After the end fan fork

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And goodness, the project has had somewhat of a baptism by fire in recent hours as a number of 4chan users elected to launch a raid on it. Presumably that refers to the trolling rather than being friendly. 'Being friendly seemed to have invited too many trolls,' observed the engineer, 'and we must stop this behaviour.' I created a fork that removed all those features, and we're currently working on a rebrand, github orga, and automated builds via GitHub actions: Oh boi, #audacity issue regarding legal terms and privacy policy exploded yesterday. One such project can be found on GitHub, with user 'cookiengineer' proclaiming themselves 'evil benevolent temporary dictator' in order to get the ball rolling.

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Contributors disgruntled with the recent direction of cross-platform FOSS audio software Audacity are forking the sound editor to a version that does not have the features or requirements that have upset some in the community.